Digital and Data Literacy in Teaching Lab
Thinking digitally right from the start

Photo: iStock
The ‘Digital and Data Literacy in Teaching Lab’ project (DDLitLab for short) promotes students' digital and data skills through subject-specific, interdisciplinary and transfer-oriented teaching programmes at all faculties at the University of Hamburg. It also supports teaching staff in further developing their digital didactic skills. The DDLitLab is funded by the ‘Foundation for Innovation in University Teaching’ for a total duration of four and a half years.
More about the projectContent
Data Literacy Teaching Labs / Cross-Disciplinary Teaching Labs
The Data Literacy Teaching Lab / Cross-Disciplinary Teaching Labs (CDTLs) promote a variety of innovative courses at all faculties and central institutions of UHH that enable students to deal with and reflect on digitality and data.

Photo: fauxels / Pexels
Interactive map: This is where the Teaching Labs are located
Resources for your teaching
Generative AI in university teaching
In the context of the use of generative artificial intelligence in university teaching, we organise events, discuss current developments, conduct surveys and incorporate the resulting findings into our project work.

Photo: Mojahid Mottakin / unsplash
More from the DDLitLab
Here you will find further important links, for example to our student research groups focussing on data literacy, publications in the field of digital and data literacy and more.
Scientists involved
Do you have any questions?

Photo: iStock