News16 January 2025|DDLitLabAI Hands-On #6: Study-gen AI Literacy in focusPhoto: UHH / HartelOn 15 January 2025, the sixth edition of our ‘AI Hands-On’ took place, focusing on the topic of ‘Study-gen AI Literacy’. The event began with a...18 December 2024|DDLitLabReview of 2024: An eventful year for the DDLitLabPhoto: UHH / HartelThe year 2024 was characterised by significant developments and projects for the DDLitLab. This is a good opportunity to look back on a small...16 December 2024|DDLitLabDDLitLab @ TURN Conference 2024: Connecting horizonsPhoto: 2024 German U15/ David AusserhoferIn November 2024, colleagues from the DDLitLab took part in the TURN Conference in Berlin with two of their own contributions. Under the motto...14 November 2024|DDLitLabNew interview series by the DDLitLab: Spotlight Data Literacy Teaching Lab – Listen and watch now!Photo: UHH/PawlowskiThe Digital and Data Literacy in Teaching Lab (DDLitLab) at the University of Hamburg is delighted to introduce the new interview series “Spotlight...1 November 2024|DDLitLabUniversity of Hamburg publishes annual report 2023: DDLitLab sets new benchmarks in digital teachingPhoto: UHHThe University of Hamburg has published its annual report 2023, which features a new design and provides information on the unique progress made in...8 October 2024|DDLitLabAI Hands-On #5: Custom GPTs and prompting in focusPhoto: UHH / HartelThe fifth meeting of the ‘AI Hands-On’ event series took place on 8 October and focused on the topics of custom GPTs and prompting. After a brief...2 September 2024|DDLitLabData literacy teaching lab becomes the Cross-Disciplinary Teaching LabPhoto: UHH/ScharfenbergA new perspective for innovation in studying and teaching at the University of Hamburg: The Data Literacy Teaching Lab becomes the Cross-Disciplinary...9 July 2024|DDLitLabStudent data literacy projects in the Data Science Slam #4Photo: UHH / HartelOn 9 July, the funding decisions for the student research groups focusing on data literacy in the fourth and final round of the call for proposals...13 June 2024|DDLitLabCo.ol.Lab: New insights into co-creative processes through the DDLitLab teaching lab projectsPhoto: Schneider/unsplashOn 11 June, another Co.ol.Lab (Collaborative Online Lab) event took place at Universität Hamburg, this time with special participation from the...6 June 2024|DDLitLabThe DDLitLab as a guest at the University:Future Festival 2024Photo: Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (HFD) / Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre (StIL)The University:Future Festival (U:FF), the largest event on the (digital) future of academic education, took place from 5 to 7 June 2024. U:FF 2024...15 May 2024|DDLitLabProgress and exchange: AI Hands-On Barcamp EditionPhoto: UHH / HartelThe next round of our ‘AI Hands-On’ event series took place on 15 May, this time in the form of a barcamp. At the beginning, the participants were...18 April 2024|DDLitLabThe funded student groups present their results!Photo: UHH / BorchersIn the period from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024, the DDLitLab funded 14 innovative student projects. This gave students the opportunity to develop...8 April 2024|DDLitLabUnderstanding and grasping AI phenomena and systems: DDLitLab co-operation project ‘AI Education Week’Photo: SFZ HamburgCurious about what artificial intelligence (AI) is, where we encounter it in everyday life and how it works? In cooperation between the Digital and...7 March 2024|DDLitLabCeremonial closing event for the teaching lab projects of the 2nd funding roundPhoto: UHH / HartelOn 6 March, the Data Literacy Teaching Lab held its final event, marking the end of the two funding phases for innovative teaching projects in the...13 February 2024|DDLitLabHands-on workshop: AI application examples in teachingPhoto: UHH / HartelThe DDLitLab and HUL hosted the third hands-on workshop on 13 February, which brought together almost 40 people from various disciplines to discuss...1 February 2024|DDLitLabThe DDLitLab goes into overtime!Photo: stablediffusion.comSince August 2021, we have been working in the DDLitLab to integrate more digital and data skills into teaching at UHH: Be it through the development...31 January 2024|DDLitLabSuccessful conclusion of the Data Worlds lecture seriesPhoto: UHH / HartelThe last Data Worlds lecture of the winter semester 23/24 took place on 30 January. Ingrid Schirmer and Fabian Burmeister spoke about data ecosystems...29 January 2024|DDLitLabFrom Editorial Researchers, Business Analysts, People and Product Managers: Working with data at StatistaPhoto: UHH/ScharfenbergIn the Data in Dialogue event series, economists and social scientists present their data-driven working environment and talk about their personal...23 January 2024|DDLitLabInvitation to the end of the 2nd teaching lab funding roundPhoto: UHH/ScharfenbergWe cordially invite all teachers, staff, supporters, students and interested parties to the festive closing event of the 2nd funding round of the Data...19 December 2023|DDLitLabThat was 2023: DDLitLab in numbersPhoto: UHH / PawlowskiThe year 2023 is drawing to a close - a good opportunity to look back at a small selection of things that have happened in the DDLitLab this year. At...14 December 2023|DDLitLabPractical insights into data-driven professions: What does a data scientist do at OTTO?Photo: UHH/ScharfenbergIn the Data in Dialogue event series, economists and social scientists present their data-driven working environment and talk about their personal...1 December 2023|DDLitLab13.12.2023, 14-15h: Data literacy in geographical curricula - Prof. Dr Sandra Sprenger & Sören-Kristian Berger, UHHPhoto: UHH/ScharfenbergIn the DDLitLab in dialogue discussion series, we explore current perspectives, projects and debates on data and digital skills in the context of...30 November 2023|DDLitLabHow can generative artificial intelligence be used sensibly and safely in studying and teaching?Photo: UHH / ScharfenbergIn order to provide a framework for the discussion on dealing with generative AI (gAI) in studying and teaching at the University of Hamburg, a...15 November 2023|DDLitLabInsights into the student projects workshop: Students present their project progressPhoto: UHH/KlinglerOn 11 October, students from the 1st and 2nd funding rounds from the student projects workshop presented their project status. This event was an...6 November 2023|DDLitLabFramework recommendations for dealing with gAI systems at the UHHPhoto: volodymyr hryshchenko / unsplashMany universities are currently developing guidelines for dealing with generative AI in teaching and learning, including the University of Hamburg. On...17 October 2023|DDLitLabFellow Regina Schulz on the bpb podcast on the topic of AI in school practicePhoto: Werkstatt Gespräch – KI & BildungRegina Schulz, Fellow in the project ‘Data and the digital world - a topic for schools and teaching!’, spoke in the podcast ‘Werkstatt Gespräch KI &...6 October 2023|DDLitLabTURN Conference 2023 at TH Köln: A focus on education transferPhoto: UHH/SchulerThe TURN Conference 2023, which took place for the second time at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences, served as a platform for developing...27 September 2023|DDLitLabFirst results on the use of generative AI at the University of HamburgPhoto: UHH/PawlowskiHow do students and teachers at Universität Hamburg feel about generative artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT? How often do they use it? Over...27 September 2023|DDLitLab04.10.2023, 2-4 pm: Artificial intelligence, explained in human terms - Dr Theresa Züger, HIIGPhoto: UHH/ScharfenbergIn the DDLitLab in Dialogue discussion series, we will explore current perspectives, projects and debates on data and digital skills in the context of...8 September 2023|DDLitLabDidactic teaching concept workshop on 21 SeptemberPhoto: UHH/ScharfenbergWhen? Thursday, 21 September 2023, 10:00 to 12:30 am Leader: Jennifer Preiß (DDLitLab, sub-project DUTy) In our teaching concept workshop, you will...12 July 2023|DDLitLabInvitation to the Data Science Slam #3Photo: matthias wagner / unsplashWe would like to invite all interested parties to the Data Science Slam #3 followed by a get-together! When: 20 July 2023 from 6.15 pm Where?...15 June 2023|DDLitLabLively dialogue and concentrated silence at the start of the 2nd round of the data literacy teaching labsPhoto: UHH / BeisselUntil 31 March 2024, the DDLitLab is once again funding a wide range of innovative data literacy education projects that develop and expand students'...23 May 2023|DDLitLabNew round of calls for student projects launched: Apply now until 23 June 2023!Photo: AzizliThe third round of calls for student projects in the DDLitLab has been running since 8 May 2023. This is the last opportunity for student groups from...2 May 2023|DDLitLabLecture ‘PEDaL HN. A three-stage competency model in data literacy education’ - now on Lecture2Go!Photo: UHH/Lecture2goIn the online lecture, Dr Christina Grieb-Viglialoro, project coordinator and research assistant, discussed three competence modules developed at the...12 April 2023|DDLitLabInvitation to the Bike Data Hackathon Hamburg on 21/22 April 2023Photo: DB GoBetaAs a cooperation partner of the Bike Data Hackathon Hamburg 2023, the DDLitLab cordially invites students, lecturers, researchers and interested...11 April 2023|DDLitLabResearch data and data science - ZFDM and HCDS present offers and servicesPhoto: UHH/ZFDMOn 20 April 2023 from 12 noon, the Centre for Sustainable Research Data Management (ZFDM) will present its offerings and services - with the House of...6 April 2023|DDLitLabTeaching lab project teams present their results at the graduation ceremonyPhoto: UHH/ReichertOn 22 March, around 70 people came together for the ceremonial conclusion of the first funding round of the Data Literacy Teaching Lab. After a...6 March 2023|DDLitLabNew interdisciplinary courses in the summer semester 2023 As part of the second round of the Data Literacy Teaching Lab, which is dedicated to the development and implementation of innovative teaching...24 February 2023|DDLitLabData Science Slam #2: Six new student projects will be funded in the DDLitLab from April 2023Photo: UHH/YemaneAt the Data Science Slam #2, the final part of the selection process to promote student data literacy projects, eight selected student groups took to...21 February 2023|DDLitLabLecture ‘Studying in the digital age’ by Prof Dr Sandra Hofhues - now on Lecture2Go!Photo: UHH/Lecture2goIn the digital lecture at the beginning of February on the topic of ‘Studying in digitality’, Prof Dr Sandra Hofhues (FernUniversität Hagen) shows how...1 February 2023|DDLitLabInvitation to the Data Science Slam #2Photo: UHH/ScharfenbergWe would like to invite all interested parties to the Data Science Slam #2 followed by a get-together! When: 9 February 2023 from 18.00 hrs. Where?...27 January 2023|DDLitLabData literacy teaching lab enters its second round: 20 innovative projects promote data literacy among studentsPhoto: UHH/ScharfenbergThe Data Literacy Teaching Lab enters its second round! From April 2023 to March 2024, a total of 20 teaching projects will be funded to support...23 January 2023|DDLitLabInvitation to the event ‘ChatGPT in the context of university teaching’Photo: pexels / miguel a padrinanThe ‘ChatGPT’ language model is currently the subject of intense discussion, particularly with regard to the teaching and learning culture at...20 January 2023|DDLitLabLecture on ‘Designing hybrid learning spaces’ by Prof Dr Christian Kohls on Lecture2GoPhoto: UHH/Lecture2go‘Design is an important concept because what constitutes teaching or learning does not just happen by chance’ (Prof Dr Christian Kohls). What are...10 January 2023|DDLitLabData Thinking: Three interdisciplinary student groups present their data-driven innovation ideasPhoto: privatThree small groups of students from different disciplines presented their data-driven innovation ideas in the 2nd edition of the ‘Data Thinking’...4 January 2023|DDLitLabInvitation to the short film slam: Digitalisation and sustainability - ‘Mikropolis’ teaching lab projectPhoto: that want to be friends with you, data centres whose energy consumption has a major impact on the 1.5 degree target and the contradiction...23 December 2022|DDLitLabHappy holidays and a happy new year 2023!Photo: / "christmas at the digital and data literacy in teaching lab by mondrian"The eventful year 2022 is now rapidly coming to an end. Looking back, we are very pleased that we were able to make a significant contribution to...7 December 2022|DDLitLabNew round of calls for student projects launchedPhoto: UHH/ScharfenbergIn the 2nd and final round of the Data Literacy student projects call, all students at Universität Hamburg have until 9 January 2023 to submit their...5 December 2022|DDLitLabLecture on ‘Myths & realities of digital teaching’ by Prof Dr Jörn Loviscach on Lecture2GoPhoto: UHH/Lecture2go‘I hope I'm being provocative.’ - Prof. Dr Jörn Loviscach began his lecture on the myths and realities of digital teaching on 11 October 2022 with...1 December 2022|DDLitLabStudent projects from the 1st funding round present themselvesPhoto: diverse/unsplash/UHH/Dingler/OhmeFrom the 10 applications in the first round of funding for data literacy student projects, 8 project groups proved themselves at the Data Science Slam...Show all news